Costura com assinatura e sobretudo com MUIIIIIITOOOO BOA DISPOSIÇÂO


Lisbon is the most beautiful city in the world

Como una das características dos portugueses é saberem línguas então não vale a pena traduzir pq só encontrei em inglês...mas é um ORGULHO
The Portuguese can be proud of their country as it has been voted Best Country in the World last night (Saturday October, 19) during the annual WCA ceremony. The Portuguese people were also votedNicest people on the planet.
More than a hundred prizes have been awarded during the 2013 World Countries Awards, the most prestigious international award ceremony in the world. A night to remember for the people of Portugal as they swept nearly all the awards available.
Historic Win For Portugal
The Portuguese team could hardly hide its excitement as the celebrations went on. “Are we surprised? Not really”, Portuguese Team leader told the journalist, speaking just after receiving the award for Most Humble People In The World.
It turns out that due to a tiny logistical concern, only votes from the Portuguese judges has been counted. However, Portuguese organizers emphasized that the issue could not have had any impact on the final outcome.
WCA 2013 Winners List:
·         Best Country in the World: Portugal
·         Most Beautiful Capital City In The World: Lisbon
·         Best Food in the World: Portuguese food
·         Nicest People on Earth: Portuguese people
·         Smartest people on the Planet: Portuguese people
·         Most Handsome Men in the World: Portuguese men
·         Most Beautiful Women In The World: Portuguese women

·         Most Humble Human Being on the Planet: The Portuguese


Lisbon is the most beautiful city in the world,

The lights of my city - Lisbon, the Tagus and in the other side, the Christ the King and the bridge over the Tagus - PONTE 25 de ABRIL -  (this photo was not taken by me)

As luzes da minha cidade - Lisboa, o Tejo e do outro lado o Cristo Rei e a ponte sobre o Tejo -  ( esta foto não foi tirada por mim)

Boneca de pano (muñecos de trapo,dolls)

Venho hoje apresentar-vos o Joquinha, um lindo e alegre palhacinho malabarista, que é adquirido com uma historinha de ERA UMA VEZ..

malinhas e maletas - bags,

Lindos porta tralha para evitar a confusão nas nossas malas

Repare como a mesma base produz sacos tão diferentes mas igualmente bonitos!!

Lisbon is the most beautiful city in the world,

To enjoy the unique beauty of my city, Lisbon, you just have to come visit HER! To understand better the tipical "baixa alfacinha" of Lisbon clic

Para apreciar a beleza sem igual da minha cidade, só tem que vir visitá-la! Para melhor conhecer a baixa alfacinha clique em


Boneca de pano

Olá!!! Eu sou a Vera...vim para passar o Natal....cheguei um pouco cedo mas vou esperar sentada na minha cadeirinha, também trago comigo uma pequena historinha..